Swinging Country June 22
10: AM- 12: PM CDT USA 🇺🇸 @ KSSLFM.COM
Howdy Y’all I have a very interesting episode lined up for you this week! Kicking off with a Double Spin from Jody Nix & The Texas Cowboys followed by a Double Shot from Lance Shaw & 419 Swing Band The next set has Vanessa Bourne From the Land Down Under From Nashville NOT Trashville 🙂 Lonnie Spiker & From Wilder KY. Bobby Mackey!
Next Three Great Newer Western Swing Tunes which BTW ALL Three got it’s World Radio Premiere on Swinging Country Hannah Jackson, Grace Partridge, Jasmine Mcdonald.
Then Hardcore REAL Traditional Country from Tim Atwood, Richard Lynch Band, Chuck Cusimano. Next Set has C.W. Sturgeon Music, R.S. Vandiver @Shane And The Nightlife, Jason Roberts.
And Then things shift & get Really Interesting with Some FACTS!!!

As Hopefully Everyone Knows by now Last Weekend George Strait & The Ace In The Hole Band Set a RECORD ATTENDANCE of Ticketed Sales of 110,905 For a Concert!!! I Will Play his ONE FINGER SILUTE To TRASHVILLE & MAINSTREAM Song Kciked Out Of Country!!! And the theme carries on from Bobby Mackey, Then gets even more interesting with Curt Ryle actually with a Double Spin The Second being a World Radio Single Premiere Introduced from Curt himself. Next up is also a World Radio Single Premiere from Steve Markwardt. It Dawned on me today that Curt & Steve are Co – Owners of Clarksville Creative Sound-Where The Magic Happens! So could this be a Friendly Competition or perhaps a Bet? I have no Idea but can say Two great Recordings! Let me know your thoughts 🙂 Then I have Cathy Jewell, Bob Marshall, Joni Harms, Lisa Layne Stewart.
The rest of the Show is Full of West Texas Flavor featuring @The Mains Brothers Band Jerry Brownlow on vacal. Mains Brothers Band Kenny Maines pn Vocal. Larry Johnsonn with one of my Favorites!
Closing it out with Inspritational music from Kelly Hastey Music, Cathy Jewell. Join us I Bet You’ll be gald ya did!!! Until Then May God Bless You and Yours Keep Swinging Country—
Swinging Country June 22