SWING POST OFFICIAL / Swinging Country April 02
10:am – 12:pm CDT USA @ KSSLFM.COM
Howdy Friends I’ve been asked to repost this and this is quite possibly the only chance I’ll have as I am about to head to Coahoma where I’ll meet up with Brady Bowen & Rodney Green in the Morning & we are heading to Terlingua for our Friend Gilbert Prather’s Farewell Party & Celebration of Life Saturday & Sunday A Gospel Singing Brunch & Memorial on a Ranch between Terlingua & Alpine. After which Gil’s Ashes will be spread along the Rio Grande River as he wished. See my Timeline & Group for more details. This Video was completely off the cuff & unexpected. If I recall Correctly Dena Wood did it off Jim Wood’s Cell & got over 5000 views in about 2 days! Now seldom seen but happy to share it again. I must add if ever in my life I ever had a Satisfying «Goodbye’ Visit it was my final conversation with Gil just a very few days before he passed away. I will not likely have much Phone or Internet service in Terlingua but I’ll let you know that I Have a NEW Edition of Swinging Country in the can for Saturday with Information on Numerous upcoming events have your Pen & Paper Ready!!!
Saturday 10:AM – 12:PM CDT USA @ KSSLFM.COM A Big Thanks to Dena who will post S W I N G – B A C K on my Timeline & may or May not be able to stay due to NDX Duties so Your Participation & Post are Most Welcome. Until next time May God Bless You & Yours 🙂 Keep Swinging Country—
Swinging Country April 02