Dr. Ted Coffman – It Ain’t Heavy If You Don’t Lift It
[CD & Book ISBN: 978-1-970003-52-9]
Well, I’m tempted to say now I’ve seen everything. But I wouldn’t count on it!!
In this CD you have a hosted, self-help course done Cowboy Poet style. In the book from which the CD’s poems are drawn, you have the words for example, demonstration and consideration. And, it should be noted, fifty poems and essays await you there. A couple of songs are present on the CD: “Song Of The Nightherd Cowboy” from Lee Alexander and a bonus Country track from Tiffany Sevieri “My Night At Home.”
Cowboy Poet & professional Success Coach Dr. Ted Coffman draws from his own cowboy experience to prove his point that “Cowboy” is not only a job, but rather a state of being. In a Western framework come object lessons and life examples that could provide answers for how to relate to and treat our fellow cowfolk. Simply, it’s a molecular, cell-by-cell examination of The Cowboy Code, and it’s arrived at a time plenty of people could stand to hear it. Some religious bits waft in, but whether you buy into them or not, there are fewer “thou shalts” than solid cowboy values shown by example. Some picks: “The Blizzard” (an old story with a new twist), “Sundae School” (about beautiful selflessness), “Stagecoach Bill” (a break-the-fourth-wall look at the poetic process), “What Kind Of Difference We’d Make” (it sums it up) and I wish I had more room for this!
An additional book available (“The Crystal Star Ranch”) pursues the therapy aspect more completely.
Highly recommended.
CD & Books: (available through drted.trainer@gmail.com or SuccessThe CowboyWay.com)
– by Rick Huff