Swinging Country July 13
10: AM- 12: PM CDT USA 🇺🇸 @ KSSLFM.COM
Billy Bowles Swinging Country! This Week I have a World Radio Album Premiere from Oklahoma Swing Band with a Three part Visit with Greg Burgess Authentic Western Swing DON’T MISS IT.
It’s on the day of The Annual Western Swing Music Society of The Southwest Hall of Fame Inductions! Western Swing Fans Tune in.
I was Inducted into the WSMSS Hall of Fame In 2017 I’ll be Playing some of the Folks that Performed Tonight Friday Mackynsie McKedy, Austin McKedy, Larry Lange, Brady Bowen & Swing Country Greg Gibbs on the Vocal.
Next Grouping Playing Saturday JD Barham, Hallmark Chuck Cusimano, Shane Vandiver, Jimmy Burson, Eric Diamond.
Followed by Shenandoah Coming to the Coyote Country Store Becky Justice – Ford. And then In preparation For A Big Dace in Cowton Steve Markwardt, Carl Vaughan, Curt Ryle.
Next Up an ALL Too Familiar Theme or felling featuring Hallmark Chuck Cusimano, Johnny Angel, Jerry D Hobbs, Keith Phillips.
My Final Two Groupings include Personal Friends of Mine and of Swinging Country No longer with us but we Keep there Memories Alive and there Music Lives on we will Hear from Leon Rausch, Curtis Potter, Gil Prather. Next Bobby Flores, Texas Dancehall Legend Johnny Bisch, Bill Mack, Emily George.
Sorry about late posting but you can Help by Sharing it around.
Thanks and Keep Swinging Country—
Swinging Country July 13