viernes, febrero 7, 2025

Hot Texas Swing Band – Devil on My Tail (2021 )

Hot Texas Swing Band
“Devil On My Tail”

On the Hot Texas Swing Band’s fifth Western Swing release, Alex Dormant’s players show again they know what they’re doing and trying to accomplish!

The group uses classic swing instrumentation, but it’s anything but a classic swing imitation. They frequently explore adventurous melodic lines that may require multiple hearings for the ear to fully take in, but the feet should have no issue with the beat. Dancemakers in attendance here are Alex Dormant (vocals, bass & whistling); Selena Rosanbahm & Liz Morphis (vocals); Cat Clemons (guitars); Ryan Neubauer (drums & percussion); Joey Colarusso (sax & flute); Steven Vague (sax); Jimmy Shortell (trumpet & flugelhorn) and a guest guitar on one track Rick McRae.

Picks include the different spin title track “Devil On My Tail,” “Hill Country Texas,” “My Heart Will Always Be In San Antone,” “Morning Green,” “Undecided” and a fun cover of “The Good The Bad & The Ugly.” Note: None of the collection’s mix of originals and covers are credited, which may prove problematical in the year’s various album judgings. Thirteen tracks, recommended.

CD: available through

– by Rick Huff

Track List
1. Devil on My Tail
2. Hill Country Texas
3. When the Bloom Is on the Sage
4. Once Again
5. Night Rider
6. Takin’ a Trip
7. My Heart Will Always Be in San Antone
8. The Good, The Bad & the Ugly
9. Sunset on the Sage
10. Morning Green
11. Up the Old Chisholm Trail
12. Undecided
13. Hill Country Sunset


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