lunes, agosto 26, 2024

The Panhandle Cowboys – Jukebox & Blue Jeans

New Review by Rick Huff " Best of the West Reviews", The Panhandle Cowboys - Jukebox & Blue Jeans

The Panhandle Cowboys – Jukebox & Blue Jeans

In our changing world, fans of Idaho’s Panhandle Cowboys might take comfort in knowing at least this senior duo doesn’t!
The Panhandle Cowboys - Jukebox & Blue Jeans
The Panhandle Cowboys – Jukebox & Blue Jeans
Smoky-voiced singer/songwriter/musician ‘Farmer Dave’ Fulfs and smoky-voiced poet/lyricist JB Barber once again present their cozy vintage sound in their newest release. Lest their folks worry over the album’s title implying the pair has converted to Teen Rock, we can affirm it ain’t so! The girl of the title track is scoping out the cowboys in their buckles and jeans for a ‘move’ across the floor. You can fill in any further blanks!
I’ve always felt this team is at its best on tracks that combine Dave’s singing and JB’s recitation. There is only one example of that this time around (“A Place Called Idaho”). Other picks include “Rodeo Queen” and “Cowboy Two-Step,” JB’s poetic offerings “The Winter of ‘98” and “The Big Sale” (nice payoff). Overall the collection makes for an innocent little offering (Gord Colliar’s “Itchy Dink” being a bit less so….it’s about a dog so relax)!
Basically the new offering is folksy, down-home, front-porch and PC (Panhandle Cowboys). Thirteen tracks total.


– by Rick Huff


The Panhandle Cowboys – Jukebox & Blue Jeans

Track List

1 – Cowboy Two Step
2 – Rodeo Queen
3 – Winter of 98
4 – A Place Called Idaho
5 – Jukebox & Blue Jeans
6 – The Big Sale
7 – Cowboy Moon
8 – On the Range
9 – Itchy Dink
10 – Jumpin’ Jack Joe
11 – Barrel Fever
12 – Gimmie a Horse
13 – Cowboy Blessings


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